Workshop in Cyprus
What is Branding
Why is Branding Important in Education
Applied projects
How to create your own branded content
Personal Branding Matters
Branding4promotionDownload materials
How to Design a basic lay out of a guided tour
Youth works with mentors to design an 1 day guided tour in the town of Paphos
MENTORES-Youth workshopDownload materials
Workshop in Greece
The workshop aimed to explore the New Digital Marketing Environment and investigate the Communication Strategies that can be applied in the Tourism sector.
Download materials
Digital Marketing Strategies for Tourism – WorkshopClick on this link to access the Digital Idea Workshop!
Workshop in Italy
Time management is one of the most difficult skills to develop. During this workshop you will find 3 practical techniques to find the time for your dreams.
Workshop TIME MANAGEMENTDownload materials
Workshop in Croatia
The workshop aimed to build ideas of youngsters, and to show how to start the business in agritourism sector.
Subject: Introducing training, workshop of building the business, reinterpretation of tourism in rural areas in continental Croatia.
We identified the needs of the youngsters, their ideas and with help of their mentors we build small projects together (one mentor – one youngster)
Start your business in tourism - WorkshopDowloand material
Workshop in UK
To help people develop on hone business ideas
To assist people to be able to move to the next stage
Ideation means to conceive or generate an idea and implement it. Ideas are the result of mental activity that can be based on past or present knowledge, thoughts, opinions, convictions or principles.
Ideation means to conceptualiSe an idea. It is the thought processes involved in apprehending and expressing a new concept, often in a graphical format.